About Us

Revolution Series Web-Sites

Against Ethnic Genocide

The Revolution series web-sites are a tool in the fight against ETHNIC GENOCIDE.

The method of genocide is massive “Third World” immigration.

The perpetrator of this genocide is a super-wealthy globalist elite.

Mainstream politicians and mass media have been bought off.

Suppression of the resistance movement against this ethnic genocide is steadily increasing.

The Revolution web-site series is part of our response to this political persecution.

Officially launched on December 1, 2017, just one day after the Finnish government banned Nordfront, this timing sent a clear signal: We support free speech in Finland!

However, this campaign is not limited to just one country. This is a global campaign.

By the end of the first month 100 web-sites in 36 languages were online!

Legal Activity and Clandestine Operation

The Revolution series web-sites are designed to be completely LEGAL in as many countries as possible for as long as possible.

Nonetheless, our work remains “clandestine”.

This prepares our co-workers for underground activity in the event that currently legal organizations in their own countries are outlawed in the future. (Note: We much prefer to remain completely legal in countries where this is at all possible. In countries where this is not possible, we work in the underground. “Illegal”, but non-violent!)

Furthermore, our existence alone serves as a deterrent.

In effect, we are telling those governments:

If you outlaw the opposition, its activists will simply go underground and work with us. Successfully. As we have proven. Just ask the German political police (Verfassungsschmutz)!

There is also an important legal factor!

If an outlawed organization attempts to re-organize itself under a different name, some countries treat this as a crime in itself. For example, in Germany this means a possible five year prison sentence.

Therefore, activists often work as small, independent, informal, “autonomous” groups.

We supply these “autonomous groups” or “cells” or “lone wolves” with “propaganda weapons”.

Since we are based in the USA, where our activity is completely legal, we also provide a contact point.

Combination of Online Activism and Real World Activism

A COMBINATION of online activism and real world activism is essential!

Basically, we provide activists around the world with professional web-sites and literature. They are designed to supplement and reinforce each other and thereby increase effectiveness.

European web-sites are based on the uk-revolution.com model. American web-sites are based on the usa-revolution.com model.

Each web-site targets a specific geographic area. This geographic area may be a country or a region within that country such as a province or U.S. state.

Each web-site has its own specific web-site address or “url”.

Each url has at least two or three components in addition to the “.com” ending. (For example: usa-revolution-ne.com indicates that this is a Revolution Series web-site of the “usa” class for the state of Nebraska.)

This pairing of a specific web-site and literature with that web-site’s unique url helps both recruitment and media impact.

The similarity of “revolution” domain names and web-site design clearly demonstrates a coordinated global campaign!

The sheer number of web-sites and our nearly half century proven track record further heighten the effect.

Important: We do not “compete” with other organizations. We supplement and help them. Sometimes we work with them. Other times we work separately or “parallel” to them. We seek allies and co-workers. Not “subordinates”.

The Revolution series web-sites are likewise designed to supplementnot replace (!) – other web-sites. Their purpose is recruitment and mobilization. Not education or entertainment. Other web-sites serve those purposes.

Online Activism:

100 Revolution Series Web-Sites

Our arsenal of web-sites has rapidly expanded. All but three of the below Revolution web-sites were created between December 3, 2017 and January 1, 2018.


Argentina: www.ar-revolution.com

Austria: www.at-revolution.net

Australia: www.au-revolution.com

Basque: www.es-revolution-eus.com

Belarus: www.by-revolution.co

Bosnia: www.ba-revolution.com

Brazil: www.br-revolution.com

Bulgaria: www.bg-revolution.com

Catalonia: www.es-revolution-cat.com

Chile: www.cl-revolution.com

Colombia: www.co-revolution.org

Croatia: www.hr-revolution.net

Czech Republic: www.cz-revolution.com

Ecuador: www.ec-revolution.com

Estonia: www.ee-revolution.com

Finland: www.fi-revolution.com

France: www.fr-revolution.com

Germany: www.de-revolution.com

Hungary: www.hu-revolution.com

Iceland: www.is-revolution.com

Ireland: www.ie-revolution.net

Israel: www.il-revolution.com

Italy: www.it-revolution.org

Japan. www.jp-revolution.net

Latvia: www.lv-revolution.com

Liechtenstein: www.li-revolution.com

Lithuania: www.lt-revolution.net

Luxembourg: www.lu-revolution.com

Macedonia: www.me-revolution.com

Malta: www.mt-revolution.com

Mexico: www.mx-revolution.net

Netherlands: www.nl-revolution.com

New Zealand: www.nz-revolution.com

Norway: www.no-revolution.com

Palestine: www.ps-revolution.org

Peru: www.pe-revolution.net

Poland: www.pl-revolution.com

Portugal: www.pt-revolution.net

Russia: www.ru-revolution.com

Serbia: www.rs-revolution.net

Slovakia: www.sk-revolution.com

Slovenia: www.si-revolution.com

South Africa: www.za-revolution.com

Spain: www.es-revolution.net

Sweden: www.se-revolution.com

Switzerland: www.ch-revolution.net

Ukraine: www.ua-revolution.com

United Kingdom: www.uk-revolution.com

United States of America: www.usa-revolution.com

U.S. States & District of Columbia:

Alabama: www.usa-revolution-al.com

Alaska: www.usa-revolution-ak.com

Arkansas: www.usa-revolution-ar.com

Arizona: www.usa-revolution-az.com

California: www.usa-revolution-ca.com

Colorado: www.usa-revolution-co.com

Connecticut: www.usa-revolution-ct.com

District of Columbia: www.usa-revolution-dc.com

Delaware: www.usa-revolution-de.com

Florida: www.usa-revolution-fl.com

Georgia: www.usa-revolution-ga.com

Hawaii: www.usa-revolution-hi.com

Idaho: www.usa-revolution-id.com

Illinois: www.usa-revolution-il.com

Indiana: www.usa-revolution-in.com

Iowa: www.usa-revolution-ia.com

Kansas: www.usa-revolution-ks.com

Kentucky: www.usa-revolution-ky.com

Louisiana: www.usa-revolution-la.com

Maine: www.usa-revolution-me.com

Maryland: www.usa-revolution-md.com

Massachusetts: www.usa-revolution-ma.com

Michigan: www.usa-revolution-mi.com

Minnesota: www.usa-revolution-mn.com

Mississippi: www.usa-revolution-ms.com

Missouri: www.usa-revolution-mo.com

Montana: www.usa-revolution-mt.com

Nebraska: www.usa-revolution-ne.com

Nevada: www.usa-revolution-nv.com

New Hampshire: www.usa-revolution-nh.com

New Jersey: www.usa-revolution-nj.com

New Mexico: www.usa-revolution-nm.com

New York: www.usa-revolution-ny.com

North Carolina: www.usa-revolution-nc.com

North Dakota: www.usa-revolution-nd.com

Ohio: www.usa-revolution-oh.com

Oklahoma: www.usa-revolution-ok.com

Oregon: www.usa-revolution-or.com

Pennsylvania: www.usa-revolution-pa.com

Rhode Island: www.usa-revolution-ri.com

South Carolina: www.usa-revolution-sc.com

South Dakota: www.usa-revolution-sd.com

Tennessee: www.usa-revolution-tn.com

Texas: www.usa-revolution-tx.com

Utah: www.usa-revolution-ut.com

Virginia: www.usa-revolution-va.com

Vermont: www.usa-revolution-vt.com

Washington: www.usa-revolution-wa.com

West Virginia: www.usa-revolution-wv.com

Wisconsin: www.usa-revolution-wi.com

Wyoming: www.usa-revolution-wy.com

Real World Activism:

Literature Distributions

The first IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE business cards were handed over to multiple activist teams at a meeting in Lincoln on December 1, 2017 at 14:00. There were two versions: usa-revolution-ne.com for Nebraska and usa-revolution-ia.com for Iowa.

By 16:00 that same day one team had already distributed these business cards in five cities (Lincoln, Roca, Crete, Wilbur, and Beatrice) in three countries (Lancaster, Saline, and Gage). By 16:30 their initial report and photos had already been sent to the project coordinator in Lincoln. And they were celebrating with their favorite beer in one of their favorite restaurants.

On December 2nd twenty activists distributed 400 business cards in Des Moines, Iowa. Locations included the state capitol, Holocaust Memorial, and stores.

Here are excerpts from reports written by the participants.

Wilbur, Nebraska

When we stopped in a small grocery store in Wilbur, Nebraska, my partner placed the card on the store bulletin board while I snapped a picture. Placing anything on a small town bulletin board is enough to get attention, more so being seen snapping a picture. It is an “event” in itself. The checker and a paying customer looked curiously up at us as we finished and quickly exited the nearby doors.

Our leaving must have created a vacuum in the place. By the time we were in the car, pulling away, at least four young people – I saw three and a shoulder through the glass doors – had gathered close to the bulletin board and they all wore broad smiles, looking up at the bulletin board. One girl had a look of pleasant surprise and laughed as she craned her neck to look through the glass doors to see if she could catch a glimpse of us leaving.

My partner had me stop, while he jogged back into the store to regale them. He offered more cards to them, if they liked, and the teens declined and said they were fine, so he waved goodbye, and we continued on to our next drop location.

Des Moines, Iowa

The day after receiving IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE cards for Iowa and Nebraska, a multi-organizational meet-up was held in Des Moines, Iowa. On the way, cards were placed in gas stations and rest stops along the route.

Once in Des Moines, since none of the other organizations had printed literature, approximately 400 Iowa cards were handed out and distributed. These were placed inside the capitol building, at the Holocaust Memorial just outside of the capitol building, at the Cristkindlmarket, and in the surrounding area.

That evening, one activist was accosted in the market area, but his insults were simply reciprocated with smiles and waves.

More activists are needed for literature distribution. YOU can participate, too! We will send you either printed matter or the layout so that you can arrange to have it printed. Join the fight!